Used to get detailed information of the push actions sent to individual devices or profiles

Simple campaigns will send out a single batch of messages at once. However, more complex campaigns will send out batches of messages at varying intervals over the lifetime of the campaign. For example, a location-based campaign can send single notifications to individual devices as they enter locations while the campaign is running.

Each individual event for a campaign where messages are sent is known as a push action.


This endpoint allows to pull information for device and profile-based campaigns (such as push, on-site, email, SMS).


Return the action_id, campaign_id, create_time, device_id and error_message for no more than last 50 failed messages from a given campaign. For best results, we recommend setting a limit on your query. Send several requests to obtain the full list:

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "apptoken": "YOUR_APPTOKEN",
    "condition": [
		  ["campaign_id", "=", YOUR_CAMPAIGN_ID],
		  ["error", "=", 1]
	  "limit": 50,
	  "offset": 0,
	  "select": ["campaign_id", "action_id", "create_time", "device_id", "error_message"]

A sample JSON response for this example is below. You can see some notifications failed, and that the reasons vary; some users were missing attributes for personalisation and consequently, a notification could not be sent, and some users had uninstalled the application.

    "code": 200,
    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "action_id": 21714179, 
            "campaign_id": 245624, 
            "create_time": 1485883608, 
            "device_id": 17186391, 
            "error_message": "Not personalized"
            "action_id": 21687974, 
            "campaign_id": 245624, 
            "create_time": 1485876298, 
            "device_id": 17186391, 
            "error_message": "Not personalized"
            "action_id": 15257795, 
            "campaign_id": 245624, 
            "create_time": 1480674210, 
            "device_id": 7039393, 
            "error_message": "DEVICE_UNREGISTERED"
            "action_id": 8958858, 
            "campaign_id": 245624, 
            "create_time": 1474649166, 
            "device_id": 7039393, 
            "error_message": "Application is Uninstalled"
            "action_id": 8762755, 
            "campaign_id": 245624, 
            "create_time": 1474450109, 
            "device_id": 7039393, 
            "error_message": "Application is Uninstalled"
            "action_id": 1250084, 
            "campaign_id": 245624, 
            "create_time": 1467728373, 
            "device_id": 3941948, 
            "error_message": "Application is Uninstalled"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!