
Add and manage prizes for your games

The prizes page allows users to create and manage the rewards for their games. Here, you can define the prizes, set the criteria for winning them, and organise them to ensure a smooth and engaging player experience. Customise the prizes to align with your campaign goals and enhance player motivation. On the top of the page it's possible to obtain the embed URL for the game and access logs for changes made on prizes.

Create a prize

To create a prize, click the Create prize button at the top of the Prizes page and fill in the following details:

  • Name: Give a name to your prize that allows you to identify them in analytics.
  • Disabled: Use this toggle to optionally enable or disable your prize. A prize can’t be won while it is disabled.
  • Customer Segment: Pick the segment that should be targeted for the prize. The segment must be created beforehand.
  • Starts At and Ends at: prizes can have their own starting and ending date; this can be set using these options.
  • Weight: The weight determines the probability of the prize being awarded. Choose a weight between 0.01 and 99.99 for your prize. The higher the weight, the more likely it is that the prize will be won.
  • Max picks per game: Enter a numeric value to specify the number of equal tiles the player has to unveil to win this prize. Only applicable for the Thunderboard game.
  • Volume: Enter a numeric value to specify the maximum amount of times this particular prize will be given throughout the full duration of the campaign.
  • Daily Limit: Enter a numeric value to specify the maximum amount of times this particular prize will be given daily.
  • Weekly Limit: Enter a numeric value to specify the maximum amount of times this particular prize will be given weekly.
  • Promotion: Pick the promotion that should be assigned to the player once the prize is won. This can be chosen from any connected bonus engine platform linked to the project.
  • Promotion Amount: Define the amount of the promotion (if applicable)

Layout preferences

This section appears only if assets have been uploaded.

  • Prize Reference: a NoWin option (where the player doesn't win a prize) also needs to be configured as a prize. Choose the no-win option for the prize to be presented as a loss to the player.
  • Pop-up Prize Header: Enter the text to be displayed on the prize pop-up header.
  • Pop-up Prize Body: Enter the text to be displayed on the prize pop-up body.
  • Pop-up Prize Redirect URL: Players will be redirected to this URL upon winning the prize.
  • Wheel 1/2/3: For each prize, you will need to select which section of your single wheel or combination of sections of your double or triple wheel represents that prize. Only applicable for the Wheels game.