Single Sign On
Enable Single Sign On to authenticate users logging in to the Xtremepush platform
Xtremepush supports SSO for user authentication allowing users to access the platform via an existing login within your company.
This allows the company's management teams to centralise the management of users from outside of Xtremepush.
Enabling the feature
If this is a feature you are interested in enabling, get in touch with your Account Manager or contact us.
To set Single Sign On you will need to provide details of the user identity provider you would like to connect to Xtremepush.
Once SSO is enabled
Once Single Sign On is enabled, there will be a separate login page your users will see when accessing the platform. They will use this to authenticate and access Xtremepush.
When a new user joins your company, in addition to creating the user on your own platform you will need to create the user in Xtremepush in order for them to be authorised and have the right level of access. You will need to provide a password for the Xtremepush user account although it will not get used when logging in via SSO. Instead, they will log in completely authenticated by your own identity provider.
Updated about 2 years ago