iOS application
Add an iOS application to the platform, to enable the SDK and enable mobile-based channels
Applications are configured within a project. Whenever you create your iOS app, you'll be provided with the app key to use when implementing the SDK within your application. Integrating the SDK in your iOS app will allow you to configure app-based messaging channels (such as push notifications, inbox and in-app).
Minimum supported version
The Xtremepush SDK supports iOS 6 and higher.
Go to Settings > Apps & Sites > Connect > iOS app > Next.
You must add separate apps for each individual app you plan to integrate with this project.
Do not share keys between different apps. Push notification certificates are different for each app, and this also helps with analytics and campaign segmentation.
Add the app name. We recommend using the same app name used in your Apple Developer account.
App Store URL/Download link and iOS Bundle ID should be set to provide additional context information when viewing Device Profiles. These are also useful if you will be using attributions (for example, app installs).
Click Create to add the app details.
The system will show the application SDK key for the iOS app you just added, which is needed for the SDK.

If you need to make any changes to the app configuration, click on the Settings button.
Updated almost 3 years ago