Real-time sport updates

Keep fans up-to-date as matches unfold in real-time based on their registered interest

Real-time Sport Updates from Xtremepush allows you to send triggered campaigns based on real-time match updates.


Can't see this option?

The real-time Sport Update is a paid feature. If you wish you enable it, please contact your Account Manager to get information on pricing.


Sport Radar event IDs required

This feature relies on the Sport Radar feed which uses the Bet Radar sport_event IDs to identify from which match a user is interested in receiving updates.

There is currently no mapping available for sport_event IDs from other feed providers and so it is recommended you only use this feature if you are able to provide Sport Radar Bet Radar sport_event IDs from your own sports betting and gaming platform.

Connect and setup steps

The set-up of the Real-time Sport Updates feature is done in 4 steps.

1. Enable the feed

Enable the feed to allow incoming game events to be passed into the project. These events will be used to trigger campaigns.

Go to: Settings > Integrations > Marketplace and select the Real-time Sport Updates integration.

2. Select sport

After enabling the feed, there is an option to select the sport whose live events will be used for triggering the campaigns. The current integration supports soccer, NBA, MLB, NFL and NHL sports events.

3. Pre-select customer identity

After selecting the sport, there is an option to select the unique identifier to be used for individual users/devices. The selection here is the same as would be used when setting up a user list.

To offer the Real-time Sport Updates functionality to logged-in users, your User ID can be passed to Xtremepush when registering to follow a match (more on this below).


Identify your users by Device ID

So that you can also send updates to logged out users or to register interest by device it is suggested that you set up and pass the Xtremepush device ID.

Registering by device requires you to integrate the Xtremepush SDK in your app so the Xtremepush device ID can be tracked by, and stored in your app. Review dedicated guides on how to integrate the Xtremepush SDK in your website, Android and iOS app.

4. Link game events to campaigns

Once the setup is complete it is important to link which campaign will be triggered by which sporting event. For example, you may want a campaign which contains the current score to be sent when the game hits halftime.

For more information on building the campaigns, see the section below.

To make the selection, navigate to Settings > Integrations > Marketplace > Configured integrations > Real-time Sport Updates > Overview. Then select one of the available events and then choose which campaign to trigger when that event is fired.


In this example, you can map the score change event to a specific campaign.

Register that a customer is following a match

For a customer to receive the triggered campaigns, you must register their unique ID to follow a particular sport event, or match, using the Follow API method.

After receiving the details of the user or device, Xtremepush will add them to a list which can be found under:
Data > Audiences > Sport feeds.


Sport feeds lists

Review these lists during set up to check IDs are being correctly received and stored.

Deregister a customer from following a match

To remove a customer from following a sport event, you should use the Unfollow API method.

Create API campaigns

Events received by the project will trigger any mapped campaigns which must be set up as API-triggered campaigns.

When creating the content in the messages, dynamic values can be pulled from the incoming feed and displayed, depending on the type of sporting event.

Example of placeholder token: {{ payload.event.home_score }}.

Campaign content examples

Below is some example content that can be used for each of the Events offered in the Overview > Mapping section.

Match started
{{ payload.event.home_team }} - {{ payload.event.away_team }}
Half time
{{ payload.event.home_team }} ({{ payload.event.home_score }}) - ({{ payload.event.away_score }}) {{ payload.event.away_team }}
Second half started
{{ payload.event.home_team }} - {{ payload.event.away_team }}
Match ended
{{ payload.event.home_team }} ({{ payload.event.home_score }}) - ({{ payload.event.away_score }}) {{ payload.event.away_team }}
Yellow card
{{ payload.event.player_name }} of {% if payload.event.competitor == "home" %} {{ payload.event.home_team }} {% else %} {{ payload.event.away_team }} {% endif %}
Red card
{{ payload.event.player_name }} of {% if payload.event.competitor == "home" %} {{ payload.event.home_team }} {% else %} {{ payload.event.away_team }} {% endif %} {{ payload.event.match_time }} (second yellow)
Red card
{{ payload.event.player_name }} of {% if payload.event.competitor == "home" %} {{ payload.event.home_team }} {% else %} {{ payload.event.away_team }} {% endif %} {{ payload.event.match_time }}
{% if payload.event.competitor == "home" %} {{ payload.event.home_team }} ({{ payload.event.home_score }}) - {{ payload.event.away_score }} {{ payload.event.away_team }} {% else %} {{ payload.event.home_team }} {{ payload.event.home_score }} - ({{ payload.event.away_score }}) {{ payload.event.away_team }} {% endif %} {{ payload.event.match_time }}
{% if payload.event.competitor == "home" %} {{ payload.event.home_team }} ({{ payload.event.home_score }}) - {{ payload.event.away_score }} {{ payload.event.away_team }} {% else %} {{ payload.event.home_team }} {{ payload.event.home_score }} - ({{ payload.event.away_score }}) {{ payload.event.away_team }} {% endif %} - {{ payload.event.player_name }} {{ payload.event.match_time }}

Add dynamic values to the campaign

Soccer dynamic values

For soccer matches the full list of available field are as follows:

Available dynamic valuesReturned informationTranslated
metadata.sport_event_idThe id for the match or sporting competition.NA
payload.event.idThe id for each individual event received within the match or sporting competition.NA
payload.event.match_clockElapsed time in minutes and seconds: e.g. 9:23, 45:51NA
payload.event.match_timeMinute of the match: e.g. 10', 45+1NA
payload.event.home_scoreCurrent home scoreNA
payload.event.away_scoreCurrent away scoreNA
payload.sport_event_status.aggregate_away_scoreAggregated away score for multi-leg games
payload.sport_event_status.aggregate_home_scoreAggregated home score for multi-leg games
payload.event.competitorhome or away
payload.event.home_teamHome team nameYes
payload.event.away_teamAway team nameYes
payload.event.player_nameName of the players name that triggered the eventYes
payload.event.descriptionOne of the following possible values:
goal, penalty, red_card, call_stands, call_overturned, no_goal, no_penalty, no_red_card
payload.event.methodOne of the following possible values:
penalty, own_goal, header, shot, free_kick
payload.event.typeOne of the following possible values:
match_started, match_ended, period_start, score_change, yellow_card, yellow_red_card, red_card, break_start
payload.event.playersJSON object containing id, name and type.
type is one of possible values:
scorer, assist, substituted_in, substituted_out
Yes (player names only)


Where the row is marked as Translated = Yes, the placeholder will be replaced with the correct language based on the campaign language variant.

Be aware that not all teams/players will have a translation, and not all languages are available. In this case, the default language will be used.

NBA dynamic values

For NBA matches the full list of available field are as follows:


Translations for NBA feed

The NBA feed does not support translations.

Available dynamic valuesReturned information id for the match.
payload.event.idThe id for each individual event received within the match.
payload.event.clockElapsed time in minutes and seconds: e.g. 9:23, 45:51
payload.event.home_pointsCurrent home score
payload.event.away_pointsCurrent away score
payload.event.competitorhome or away
payload.event.home_teamhome team name
payload.event.away_teamaway team name
payload.event.player_nameName of the players involved with the triggering event (only in the case of ejections)
payload.event.event_typeOne of the following possible values:
match_started, match_ended, period_start, period_ended, ejection
payload.event.playersJSON object containing id, full_name and jersey_number.

MLB dynamic values

For MLB matches the full list of available field are as follows:


Translations for MLB feed

The MLB feed does not support translations.

Available dynamic valuesReturned information id for the match.
payload.event.idThe id for each individual event received within the match.
payload.event.typeThe type of the event. One of the following possible values: match_started, break_start, key_period_start, period_start, key_period_end, period_end, match_ended, homerun
payload.event.wall_clock.start_timeThe start times of the event, including timezone e.g. 2023-06-29T17:12:33+00:00
payload.event.wall_clock.end_timeThe end times of the event, including timezone e.g. 2023-06-29T17:12:33+00:00 nickname of the home team; e.g. Mets, Astros nickname of the away team; e.g. Mets, Astros city of the home team; e.g. New York, Houston city of the away team; e.g. New York, Houston full name of the home team combining market and name; e.g. New York Mets, Houston Astros full name of the away team combining market and name; e.g. New York Mets, Houston Astros number of runs scored by the home team number of runs scored by the away team
payload.event.hitter.first_nameThe player's first name at bat
payload.event.hitter.last_nameThe player's last name at bat
payload.event.hitter.idThe player's id at bat

NHL Dynamic Values

For NHL matches the full list of available field are as follows:


Translations for NHL feed

The NHL feed does not support translations.

Available dynamic valuesReturned information id for the match.
payload.event.idThe id for each individual event received within the match.
payload.event.event_typeThe type of the event. One of the following possible values:
match_started, period_start, period_end, match_ended, score_change
payload.event.clockThe game time of the event e.g. 18:17 nickname of the home team; e.g. Avalanche, Canucks nickname of the away team; e.g. Avalanche, Canucks city of the home team; e.g. Colorado, Vancouver city of the away team; e.g. Colorado, Vancouver full name of the home team combining market and name; e.g. Colorado Avalanche, Vancouver Canucks full name of the away team combining market and name; e.g. Colorado Avalanche, Vancouver Canucks of the home team in question of the away team in question[1].points1st-period score for home team[2].points2nd-period score for home team[3].points3rd-period score for home team[1].points1st-period score for away team[2].points2nd-period score for away team[3].points3rd-period score for away team
payload.event.attribution.nameThe name details for the team that scored, for score_change events; e.g. Canucks
payload.event.attribution.marketThe market details for the team that scored, for score_change events e.g. Vancouver

NFL Dynamic Values

For NFL matches the full list of available field are as follows:


Translations for NFL feed

The NFL feed does not support translations.

Available dynamic valuesReturned information id for the match.
payload.event.idThe id for each individual event received within the match.
payload.event.typeThe type of the event. One of the following possible values: match_started,match_ended, score_change
payload.event.clockThe game time of the event e.g. 18:17
payload.event.wall_clockThe start times of the event, including timezone e.g. 2022-06-29T17:12:33+00:00 of home team; e.g. Chargers, Brancos of away team; e.g. Chargers, Brancos city of the home team; e.g. Los Angeles, Denver city of the away team; e.g. Los Angeles, Denver full name of the home team combining market and name; e.g. Los Angeles Chargers, Denver Brancos full name of the away team combining market and name; e.g. Los Angeles Chargers, Denver Brancos of the home team in question of the away team in question[1].points1st-period score for home team[2].points2nd-period score for home team[3].points3rd-period score for home team[1].points1st-period score for away team[2].points2nd-period score for away team[3].points3rd-period score for away team

Dynamic Syntax

Using some basic dynamic syntax, it is possible to loop through the list of players involved in the particular event:

{% for player in payload.event.players %}
    Player id: {{ }}
    Player Name: {{ }}
    Type: {{ player.type }}
{% endfor %}

Available competitions

You can find all available matches by navigating to Data > Audiences > Sport Feed Lists
It is also possible to check the existence of a specific match upto 10 days in advance by using the List API.

In-game updates

When a specific sport_event update is received, Xtremepush triggers the mapped campaign from above and sends it to any user/device currently on the list with the matching sport_event ID.


Analytics for API campaigns triggered by a sporting feed integration are as per normal API campaign analytics.