Behaviour analytics

Access this section from Analytics > Behaviour. See detailed info for each of the pages available.

Tags and events

The tags and events page displays data on the number of fired tags, page impressions and events that are happening in your website or mobile app (select the appropriate tab). Select items from the chart below to generate a comparison graph of tags, impressions or events or a timeline. Both total and unique hits can be seen. The data can be downloaded by clicking on the download button.


In this example we can review the timeline of hits for 2 events (selected from the chart below) during the last 12 months.


Tags and events analytics by app type

If you have integrated more than one type of app (website / mobile app), this page will show a split of the tags / impressions / events by app type.


This page shows the total of mobile app sessions, the average session time and the time spent on the app. Select the different tabs to visualise the data as a line chart or bar chart. Totals can be downloaded by clicking on the download button.


Funnel analytics

For details on how to create a funnel and funnel analysis see our dedicated funnels guide.

Application metrics

For details about setting up metrics and metrics analytics see our dedicated guide.

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