Images for push

Enrich your push notifications with images


Maximum file size

All files uploaded to the platform must be smaller than 2MB.

Images can be added to all push types, (iOs, Android, Web) and can be broken down into 2 types. Creative guidelines are available for best use of message images.


Images on iOS push messages

iOS 10 introduced the ability to send push notifications with images. To enable this functionality, clients must create a Service Extension in their app. Review our dedicated iOS rich media notifications guide to learn how to do so.


For mobile push messages, these are pulled from the project icon uploaded when initially creating the project. There is no need to set these on a campaign basis as the same icon can be used for every send.
For web push messages, images can be uploaded to the messages on a campaign basis.


These are used to highlight the content of the message and can be used in the same way as you might use an image in an email and are specific to an individual send. There are a few ways an image can be uploaded here depending on the location of the image and whether it needs to be static of dynamic.

Uploading images via the user interface (static)

The simplest way to add an image to a push notification is to upload it at the time of creating the campaign. The image can be selected from your local machine and will be stored on the Xtremepush servers to be delivered with the rest of the message at send time.

Setting a URL (static)

Rather than setting the image when creating the campaign, it is possible instead to set a URL from where the image will be pulled at send time. This allows an image that is already hosted elsewhere to be used directly in a push message. All recipients will receive the same image although it is possible to change the image at that URL independently of the campaign, meaning future sends will pick up the new image. This flexibility might work well for a company logo or an image to a news story which is held elsewhere and changes over time.

Using profile attributes (dynamic)

It is also possible to show a different image based on the receiving profile by using profile attributes within the URL for the image. Both full and partial paths are valid and can be used as per the following examples. For more information about how to use dynamic content see this guide.

Partial path personalised with attribute{{user.attributes.personal_image}}

Full path stored in an attribute
