Mobile push notifications creative guidelines

Follow these for best results in push notifications for Android and iOS


Maximum file size

All files uploaded to the platform must be smaller than 2MB.

Default icon

This is uploaded as the project icon in Settings > General and used by default for all push notifications.

  • Suggested dimensions: 256x256 px (must be squared)
  • Valid image formats: PNG, JPG, GIF, ICO


The main picture image for a push notification follows the same format for both Android and iOS, although the respective devices display them differently. The device specific example shown when you create a push campaign demonstrates this difference.

  • Suggested dimensions: 800x450 px. Keep a ratio close to 16:9, taller images will be cropped by the system
  • Valid image formats: PNG, JPG (JPEG)

Android message image example


iOS message image example


Images in iOS

iOS supports JPG, GIF and PNG formats up to 2 MB in size. Follow our iOS rich media notifications to see how to enable images in iOS.

Mobile Push character limitation

To ensure uniformity across all devices, avoid display problems and to obtain the best results on iOS and Android push campaigns, we suggest the following character count:

Title25-50 charactersup to 65 characters
Bodyup to 150 charactersup to 240 characters

Always ensure to test your campaigns on different devices and preview them on the display device in the campaign creation tool to ensure that it is presented as expected.