Enabling optional device profile data
There are a number of optional params that can be added to device profiles depending on how SDK integrations are done. Detail on how collection of this data can be enabled is provided in this guide.
User ID
User ID is not set by default and can only be set by calling methods on the mobile and web SDKs. Customers can refer to the dedicated Set User ID guide for full details.
App language
App Language can be set by calling methods on the mobile and web SDKs using the following commands:
mPushConnector.hitTag("user.language_app", "en");
XPush.hitTag("user.language_app", "en");
[XPush hitTag:@"user.language_app" withValue: @"en"];
xtremepush('set', 'app_language','en');
This information can be found in the platform by navigating to Data > Devices under the Geo & Location menu.
App Language is set using ISO 639-1 format (two letter codes)
Google Analytics ID
The Google Analytics ID can only be set by enabling the Google analytics integration on Mobile or Web.
You can find details on how to enable the GA integration on mobile and web by following each link.
The Google Analytics ID can be found by navigating to Data > Devices, in the Application Information section.
App version—web only
App version can be set by calling the following method on the web SDK:
xtremepush('set', 'app_version','3.0');
If set, this data can be found by navigating to Data > Devices, in the Application Information section.
Advertising IDs (IDFA and ADID)—mobile only
In order to enable advertising IDs, attribution must be enabled in the mobile SDKs. Details on how to do so can be found in this guide.
This data is visible for mobile devices by navigating to Data > Devices, in the Device Information section.
iOS device name—iOS only
Device name is set by default as it is useful for developers to find test devices when testing. This can be turned off before going to production in case you do not want to collect the iOS Device name by calling the following method, before initialising XtremePush in your App Delegate
[XPush setNameCollectingEnabled: NO];
If enabled, the name can be found from Data > Devices as a column (it can be enabled by clicking the button and selecting Name from the drop-down menu.
Updated over 3 years ago