Campaign comparison
In Analytics > Campaigns > Comparison you can compare campaigns' performance against each other.
Campaigns and stats are shown based on the date selector at the top of the page. Filter the campaigns listed and the date range for which the data should be displayed.
Comparison graph
The graph area at the top of the page shows stats over time for any selected campaigns. This can be expanded to show comparison charts or hidden to see more of the table below. The data can be switched between different channels and type of engagement by selecting the desired option from the drop down on the top right.
To compare multiple campaigns alongside each other select them using the checkboxes in the table below. Selections are remembered across multiple pages of the table.
Comparison table
The table allows a quick comparison between campaigns across all channels available in the project.
Export data
Buttons at the top of the graph section allow you to export data (in CSV format) and manipulate it outside of the XP platform.
Export Table Data for full list of data for all campaigns that fall within the currently selected date range.
Export Graph Data provides the data used to plot the graph, which can be useful to produce your own reports outside Xtremepush.
Updated over 2 years ago