Tecnalis Alira integration
Connect to the Tecnalis Alira platform
Connect your Xtremepush project to Tecnalis to add and remove users to and from groups in their Alira platform, making them eligible to redeem bonuses in app.
Get in touch with your Tecnalis Account Manager to add Xtremepush's static IP address to their allowed list for the environment. Contact us to be provided with the IP address.
Create a connection to Xtremepush
Select the Tecnalis card in the Integrations Marketplace tab found at Settings > Integrations > Marketplace and click Connect.
Basic settings
Give your connection a name that helps you easily identify it.
Connection settings
Input your Alira credentials (Endpoint, Password, & Partner ID) and click Connect.
Groups and promotions
Alira works by checking whether a user/player is within a specific Alira group at the point they try to redeem a promotion or bonus. The integration with Xtremepush allows the marketer to add or remove users to or from those Alira groups. Xtremepush does not directly assign promotions or bonuses to the users.
A list of available groups from Alira will be synced hourly and can be exported from the Marketplace > Tecnalis > Overview. Group names entered here will be available later on when selecting where to add and remove users.
Manage users in Alira groups from the multi-stage journey builder
Adding a user to or removing them from a group is done using the Journey Builder promotion action.
Adding this action to a journey then gives access to the Promotions toolbox. Click the action that has been added to the journey to open it. From the available options, you will see two dropdown menus:
The first (Promotion) is to select the promotion you would like to apply to the user as they pass through this action (or in this case, which Alira group you would like them to be added to - taken from the list of groups you set up at the Marketplace Settings page).
The second (Option) is whether you would like to add the user to or remove them from the group.
The icon on the action will update to indicate which option was selected for this point in the journey.

In this example, the user will be added to the promotion, so the icon on the top of the menu shows a plus sign.
Reporting on the action
The reporting for each promotion action added to the journey can be seen by clicking on the reporting numbers in the action itself. This opens a toolbox showing the number of users who arrived at the action over time.
All users who arrive at the action are sent to Alira, with the instruction to be added or removed from the group. To see whether a user ultimately redeemed any promotions or bonuses you should check the user's profile in Alira.
Updated over 1 year ago