Website tagging
Track your user's activity in your website
Xtremepush has several methods for tagging activity on your site which allows you to tag page impressions, any other interactions for analytics and real-time events to trigger comms.
Tag interactions
To tag interactions for analytics and the ability to segment campaigns based on tag behaviour call the tag
method where that interaction occurs as shown:
// You might for example want to tag a registration event
xtremepush('tag', 'registration_complete');
To tag interactions that capture a value and grab the value, use the tag
method with the value option, for example:
// You might for example want to capture a field value from a form being filled out
xtremepush('tag', 'journeyform_destination', 'New York');
Track page impressions
To count page impressions call the impression
SDK method where your page loads:
// Send impression to track page impressions
xtremepush('impression', 'sport_home');
The value used to record a page impression should uniquely identify a page.
Capture device profile attributes
To capture a device attribute you can use the following syntax:
// You might for example want to capture the gender of a registered user
xtremepush('tag', 'user_gender', 'Male');
Updated almost 3 years ago